In Conversation With Mmoloki Samoka

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DW: Being a model means you naturally have a rich sense of style, how would you describe your style?
MS: As a student and always being the go, I rarely have opportunities to experiment with my outfits as much as I would've preferred. I like casual summer clothes which show of the results of my efforts at the gym.

DW: What is your signature look?
MS: Snickers, slim fit jeans, vest/tank top and a cap. I've got quite a collection of caps.

DW: Which designer locally would you love to work with?
MS: hahah That's a very dangerous question for a model to answer. there are lots of talented designers in the industry. I'm spoiled for choice.

DW: Now 2018 is coming to an end soon, what are your future plans?
MS: I want to continue growing my brand plus explore opportunities to continue giving back to up and coming models who might otherwise be overlooked. 

