Brand Relevance During COVID.
Jona Musheko
It has been about five months now the world is faced with the Covid-19 pandemic. Most countries and governments have locked down some sectors of the economies and only spare those that are deemed essential. Some Corporates and various brands have put their operations on hold, unfortunately your brand need not to hibernate - fly your brand during crisis.
Scaling down to Namibia, with a collective of brands (corporate entities, public figures, artists, politicians and many others) there is need to be visible as brands that care for humanity. Here is a reminder why your brand must remain visible even during a crisis; the masses have not stopped living, they still need brands they can associate with, brands that understand, not only profit, but humanity and caring.
The Government has called on all citizens (including your brand) to support the fight against Covid-19.
So, after you’ve done an analysis of what gap you would like to address in this crisis, make use of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan. CSR is one element that has been neglected by many brands, but now is the time to fly your brand’s flag high by responding to this crisis of Covid-19.
MTC donation food parcel (Photo Contributed)
MTC donation food parcel (Photo Contributed)
MTC donation tents(Photo Contributed)
I should give credit to MTC for mastering the art of being relevant, not only during the crisis, but by observing the needs of communities and environments in which it operates. From being the main sponsor of national events, fight against gender-based violence, sport, music industry and all. It is no mistake that almost every Namibian knows about MTC. They could choose to be redundant and not visible.
At a personal capacity as a public figure, artists or whatsoever, you can do the same. You might not have all the resources but acknowledge the power of influence in your brand. You may work together with others with the same idea(s). If we can have more Pinehas Shikulo (Zuluboy) mobilizing food and sanitation stuff for our communities, brand relevance is guaranteed. You don’t need millions to keep your brand flying during a crisis.
Photo Contributed
After all, the question will be, “Which brand stood with us even during hard times of Covid-19?”
This is applicable to all corporate entities, politicians and their political parties, public figures and artists. What is that you can do?
Jona Musheko is a Communications Officer & Brand Reputation Manager by profession with two Degrees in Corporate Communication and Linguistic Studies