Reflection on another year and a few things I observed at 28 - Berneth Koopman

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12. Timing is truly everything. This was probably the biggest lesson I’ve learned this year. You can want something to be a certain way with everything you have, but if the timing isn’t right, it’s not going to happen.

13. I have zero game, which in fact somehow comes off as me having a lot of game, or so they tell me. Who knew? I still think I’m awkward as hell.

14. Never be ashamed if you struggle with depression or anxiety. One of the best things you can do is talk it through with those you trust and realising you are not alone.

15. Moist will never be a word that sounds appropriate.

16. You never know when the last time you see someone will be. Tell the people you love how much you love them.

17. Exercise is a form of self-love. (Failing but trying)

18. With big risks come big rewards.

19. Asking for help is not a form of weakness. It seems to be a sign of maturity.

20. I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what the hell I am doing with my life.

21. I learned about Bitcoin this year. Actually, that’s a lie. I learned the word. I still don’t know what the actual hell a Bitcoin is.

22. Actions will always speak louder than words. Someone can tell you how much you mean to them, but it’s whether they follow through that means the most.

23. It’s always a good day for ice cream even with my intolerance 

24. You can’t make someone see how their actions are toxic to themselves. That’s a lesson they need to learn on their own.

25. This sounds so cliché and I’m very aware of it. But, everything happens for a reason. So many times I look back and realize if I hadn’t gone through something I didn’t see coming or something particularly painful, I never would have gotten to experience something amazing.

26. Goodbyes are a necessary part of growing as a person. Don’t be afraid, rather embrace them.

27. Home is where the heart is and where you are at peace. 

28. I am enough and I am worthy.
